Wednesday, February 18, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme - a day in the life...

Many of you have seen my posts in Facebook about the 21 Day Fix, which I first started about a year ago.  I have recently started the follow up program to that one - the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I have had lots of questions about what I've been eating - so here is a sample day for you!  I use these containers to measure my portions.  I still have them from the original program (this is an old pic). 

Yay for fun colored tupperware!
Each color corresponds to a food group, and you have an allotted number of each color for your day, depending on your calorie needs (which you calculate in the booklet).  Yes, it's counting, but much less work that looking up calories/carbs/fat/etc for every item you eat during the day.  There are lots of options for each color, so if you have restrictions, like no dairy or gluten or nuts or whatever, or if you just want to do paleo or low carb, this can easily adapt to that. Going out to eat?  That is covered, too.  

For breakfast, I start off with a red of eggs (you get 2 whole eggs) most days.  I added a yellow of roasted sweet potato fries, and green of roasted broccoli.  I roast veggies in bulk and reheat in my toaster oven.  Yummm.  I capped it off with coffee, with a touch of unsweetened almond milk and liquid stevia.  I don't normally do that, but was in the mood. :)
Pretty collage - isn't it pretty?? :)
A few hours later, I had my first snack.  A purple container of berries and an orange of toasted coconut flakes.  I have a thing for crunch.  I sometimes add almond milk to this also - reminds me of cereal.
Love me some berries

These coconut flakes are awesome.  So great for homemade trail mix, or topping oatmeal, yogurt, or a healthy dessert.  LOVE THEM.
Basically healthy crack

Lunch was a green of spaghetti squash and a red of sauteed shrimp.  I added lemon zest, lemon juice, garlic, olive oil and salt.  It was fabulous.  
Can you taste it through the screen?  Cause it's AWESOME.

Mid-afternoon snack is when I like to have my Shakeology.  Pre-Beachbody, that had become my time of day to go to the pantry and shovel handfuls of chocolate chips in my mouth to avoid tending to the children.  So, this is my answer.  I blended it with unsweetened almond milk and ice.  12 cubes.  I told you I like numbers.  Creamy chocolate kind of snack.  I drink the vegan formula, which is dairy and gluten free.  WIN FOR ME. And  it counts as another red protein.

For dinner, I had a red container of grass fed ground beef with sea salt, yellow of roasted sweet potato fries, and green of baby kale (measured before cooking - greens shrink up a ton). 
Simple.  Yummy.
Dessert was 1/2 a frozen banana and almond butter.  Oh yes.  It was as good as it looks.  I put a tiny dash of salt on my almond butter.  Nom nom. 

I could eat this every day.  And I pretty much do.
It really is plenty of food, and I was never hungry.  Or hangry (when hunger and anger join forces).  You ladies know what I'm talking about.  And you'll notice I didn't have any grains or dairy, but you can definitely have them.  You just trade out for some of the choices I made.  Like greek yogurt instead of meat, or corn tortillas in place of sweet potato.  It's all about balance and finding what works for you and your lifestyle.  And that's what I love to help people do!

One of my favorite trainers.  Except when she tells me there is a "bonus round."

I met the trainer who designed the program, Autumn, at our annual Beachbody Summit last June.  I learned a little about her, and she was a very genuine person, and a mom, so it made me love the program even more.  

So, there you have it!  Add in your 30 minute workout (super effective, and there is a different one each day), check in with your coach, get a virtual high five from your online support group, and you have a day in the life of a challenger on the 21 Day Fix (or Fix Extreme).  

Need help with your health and fitness journey?  Contact me HERE!  I would love to work with you!