Monday, May 4, 2015

If the glove doesn't fit...

I have amassed a ridiculous collection of white, cotton gloves over the years.  Why is this, you ask?  Am I trying to be like Michael Jackson?  Mickey Mouse?  Who else wears white gloves....anyway, I digress.

All through my last pregnancy, and for months post-partum, I had a horrible case of dermatitis on my hands.  It was one of the most painful and truly depressing conditions I have ever had.  You don't think itchy hands are a big deal...until you have them.  I would do ice packs, steroid creams, oral steroids, vinegar rinses, essential oils, rubbing a banana peel on name it, and I had tried it.  I would slather on my steroid ointment at night, followed by these gloves, so I didn't get ointment all over the place.  It hurt do do a lot of normal things, like fold clothes, so I wore them then, too.  Sometimes, I would still accidentally pull them off in my sleep, and wake up to see that I had scratched until I was bleeding.  So, I would get up at 3am, get an ice pack, and try to find a comfortable position to rest my hand on the ice until I could fall back asleep.  Many tears of pain and frustration were shed over this condition.  And of course, pregnancy hormones did nothing to help.

It wasn't until I changed my diet that I was able to beat this.  Once I was diagnosed as immunologically sensitive to dairy (and to a lesser degree, gluten and soy), I found relief for the first time in years.  It took about a month of being on a very strict, paleo type diet to really see a difference.  And now, I have been largely symptom free for almost a year.  Such a blessing.  I kept these gloves for a while, just in case.  But, I am confident now that I will not be needing them again.  So...buh bye gloves!  You served me well, but I am so glad to be done with you!  Stay hopeful, friends!

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