Saturday, July 19, 2014


Our neighborhood is going through some major changes.  Lots of young families are moving in and tearing down the older houses, or adding on.  We have about six or seven lots, within a block or two, that have torn everything down and are starting from scratch.  It's fascinating to watch them smooth out the dirt, put in the pipes, and pour the foundation.  Luke loves to watch it, and I find it fun as well.  It's a new beginning.  A fresh start. 

It got me thinking about our foundation for health in our lives.  Most people don't think about what they put in their mouths every day, but that really is the foundation for all of us.  I am especially reminded as I start feeding Elizabeth her first solids. What I feed my children now will set them on a path for the rest of their lives.  I don't say that to scare you...I have given Luke his fair share of gold fish and jelly sandwiches.  But, I am constantly trying to do better, and try new things.  I want him to associate healthy foods with fun memories as well.  So many of us grew up with donuts as a Saturday treat, or sweets as a reward for just about anything.  But you can change that!  

To that end, here is a recipe we love.  I make them as muffins, and Luke loves them!  We omit the chocolate sauce (tried it once...meh).  Here's to building a strong foundation for ourselves, and our kiddos.  Stay hopeful, my friends!


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