Thursday, July 24, 2014

The jelly sandwich conundrum of 2014

Luke has always been a pretty good eater.  Likes most cooked veggies, and will try most things I offer him.  He has gotten in a bit of a rut lately, though, and decided his meal of choice is a jelly sandwich with peanut butter on the side.  On a spoon.  He could eat this three times a day.  And of course, it's super easy and transports well, so naturally, it turned into a go to snack.  I am trying to move away from giving the kids lots of empty carbs (like bread and jelly, for instance), so this has become an issue for me.

Enter, the paleo english muffin.  It's a microwaveable quick bread that uses coconut flour, and has become a favorite at our house.  The recipe is here, but we made it in a different container.  I had one of these babies...
These magical, plastic containers are handy for quick breads like this, and for microwaving eggs, should you find yourself in a pinch.  You can buy one here.  So, I quadrupled the recipe, and measured out 1/3 of a cup of batter per muffin.  They cooked right up in 90 seconds, and sliced nicely once cooled.

Then you can either fry it in some coconut oil or butter, or toast it up.  Luke likes them soft, so I store a few in the fridge, and warm slightly when he wants one.  And as far as the jelly part, this is the best stuff I've found so far.  It's low in sugar, and tasty!  I'd rather it not have calcium chloride, but I looked it up, and it is basically a type of salt and is used as a preservative.  It is GRAS (generally regarded as safe). 

Compare that to Welch's...
I'm not hating on them, we had this in the house!  I'm just saying, you can do better if you look around.  The strawberry has half the sugar and all natural ingredients.  So, after some alterations...the jelly sandwich is now welcome in the Hope house once again.  Woohoo!!

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